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Turn ons, breakups, tatoos TMI tag

By 04:08

Hey guys for this post I thought I would just do a random TMI tag, thought it would be a little humorous and fun so enjoy!
1. What are you wearing? At the moment I'm in my work uniform as I just got home, how exciting.
2. Ever been in love? Yes I have and currently am.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? I certainly have had a terrible break up but I tell you what it's just made me a better person in the end and shown me that there are much better people out there that deserve you the way your supposed to be treated.
4. How tall are you? Unfortunately I am incredibly short and I have it I'm 5'1 or 155cm.
5. How much do you weigh? I think I'm currently at 50kgs not to sure though, I'm not as worried talking about my weight anymore as what I used to be I mean that's who I am and are happy with it so it's nothing to be ashamed of.
6. Any tattoos? I have two tattoos that I will most likely do a blog post on eventually one on my back and one down the back of my right leg.
7. Any piercings? Ears and belly button.
8. Favourite show? Pretty little liars for sure.
9. Favourite brands? I don't really have that many brands that I'm a fan of so I'll change this question and say favourite shops instead which would be Mecca, Ally, Mink, Glue and City beach.
10. Something you miss? My nan.
11. Favourite song? Nasty - Kid Ink
12. How old are you? I turned 20 in May.
13. Zodiac sign? Gemini.
14. Quality you look for in a partner? Someone who is loyal and has a good sense of humour.
15. Favourite quote? "Control your mind, don't let it control you" or "don't count the days, make the days count".
16. Loud music or soft? Loud definitely! Always have my music up full ball in the car, woops.
17. Where do you go when your sad? I walk down to the lake when I'm sad and try to clear my mind and relax.
18. How long are your showers? 10-15 minutes.
19. How long does it take to get ready in the morning? Only about 20 minutes, maybe 40 if I'm not going to work.
20. Ever been in a physical fight? In fact I have and will probably write a blog post about that as it was absolutely hilarious.
21. Turn on? Lip biting
22. Last book I read? If I stay.
23. The book you are currently reading? Light is the new black.
24. The relationship with you and the last person you texted? A really close friend.
25. Last show you watched? Family guy.
26. Last person you talked to? My boyfriend.
27. Favourite food? Probably either tacos or sweet potato fries.
28. Place you want to visit? America! Or Paris.
29. Last place you were? At work.
30. Do you have a crush? I wouldn't call it a crush really. 
31. Last time you kissed someone? About 5 minutes ago.
32. Favourite flavour of sweet? Caramel hoh.
33. What instruments do you play? I used to learn piano when I was 10 and I'm starting to get back into it by teaching myself.
34. Favourite piece of jewellery? My necklace.
35. Last song you sang? All we need - Raury 

Blog post on 'my firsts' coming soon..

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