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WE'RE HAVING A BABY!! Finding out about pregnancy, the symptoms & ultrasounds

By 23:12

Yep we're having a baby! 
It's so crazy and surreal but we are over the moon and so excited to be experiencing this new chapter of life together and starting a little family.
So I wanted to do a blog post obviously announcing that I was pregnant but also the symptoms I have been having, when I found out and of course some photos from the ultrasounds.

So I can't remember which day it was exactly I think it may have been a Monday morning I felt a little nausea when driving to work which I didn't think much of, I had already missed my period but it was never on time anyway so I didn't worry to much, I arrived at work and was on the floor for about and hour when I got this sudden urge to be sick. I came back out thinking that it was strange because I'm never sick just a one off if I'm sick then it lasts the whole day..
My friends at work joked around about being pregnant which didn't really cross my mind.
All day I was thinking about it and new straight away once I finished my shift I would be going to buy a test right away. Sure enough I got home took the test and boom the first line appeared clear as day I placed the test down walked away and came back about 5 minutes later to find another faint line had appeared.
I grabbed the test and stared at it in complete shock I didn't believe what I was seeing, I walked up to the chemist which is legit only a 2 minute walk from my house. Purchased the clear blue test and sure enough it came up positive.

I thought about how I would tell Daniel and waited until I had the Wednesday off from work to put together a little box to surprise him. I filled a box with the positive tests, a little newborn jumpsuit, a beanie and some baby socks. I waited so long for him to arrive home from work that day and soon as he got home I handed him the box. He opened it up and of course he was shocked to he couldn't believe it asking me if it was real! He had a huge smile and we both gave each other a massive cuddle and continued to celebrate our excitement.

6 weeks
I had my first ultrasound to detect the heartbeat and measured at 6 weeks and 3 days with 1096bpm, on the way out from the ultrasound Daniel bent down to pick something up off the ground he had found a small heart bracelet and gave it to be saying it was a sign that everything was going to go well and that we had found the heartbeat at the ultrasound, I have kept the bracelet in my car ever since.
8 weeks
My next scan was at 8 weeks which I had gone to alone just to check that everything was still okay and if there was a stronger heartbeat and sure enough a heartbeat of 158bpm. I could only see a really small dot on the screen but my love for our baby was growing stronger and stronger. (Not a very clear photo as I took a video and screen shot this from it)
12 weeks
I recently had my 12 week scan and everything was measuring perfectly, it was amazing this time to be able to see our bub moving around and to be able to see the head, feet, hands, nose, legs and arms we both had a little tear as we watched he/she kicking around! Heartbeat was 151bpm.

Now here are my symptoms! Starting from when I had first found out i was pregnant.

  • Nausea, morning sickness and horrible night sickness!
  • Extremely exhausted every single day through the first trimester, I was falling asleep really early at night and taking naps during the day before I was pregnant I would never nap.
  • Waking up around 3am every night for a few weeks straight, along with having weird vivid dreams and nightmares.
  • My cravings!! I had the strongest cravings for sour lollies anything sour I wanted, salt and vinegar chips was another big one, lots of fruit juice and anything salty pretty much kfc, mcdonalds all the unhealthy things oh and fish and chips!!!
  • Sore boobs omg it was the worst and extremely cold feet!
  • I wasn't turned off any foods just didn't like the smell of garlic or chicken cooking, and I started to really enjoy vegetables which I wasn't much of a fan before I fell pregnant.
  • Extreme bloating!!! this hasn't gone away what so ever.
  • Mood swings, didn't feel like myself probably from all the hormones.
  • Was pretty much hungry 24/7 up until around 12 weeks, which has gotten so much easier now I'm in the second trimester. 
We have purchased and been given tonnes of baby stuff already and I will being doing a haul showing you some thing we have brought in my next post we are patiently and eagerly waiting for the 18-20 week scan in 3 weeks time to find out the gender and to see how everything is coming along and how bub is growing which I seriously can't wait for!!

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