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Get to know me tag

By 13:59

1. What is your middle name?
Nothing to crazy but my middle name is Jane as you can probably tell as i use it in my blog.
2. What was favourite subject at school?
I would have to say my favourite subject was child studies i always loved being around children, i completed my work experience at a preschool and now 4 years later I'm a qualified child care educator and couldn't be happier, its amazing how the children can turn your day around from good to bad in a matter of a few minutes!
3. What is your favourite drink?
Non-alcoholic is pineapple and watermelon nutrient water and alcoholic vodka and raspberry. 
4. What is your favourite song at the moment?
To be truthful i don't really have a favourite song at the moment i really like the song 'papercuts by illy' or
'all in my head by fifth harmony'.
5. What would you choose as your last meal?
My last main meal would definitely have to be mexican with tacos, burritos and nachos ah i just love mexican food and choose it over everything! 
6. What is the last thing you bought?
The last thing I bought for myself was a small brown coffee table I'm so happy with it and it was so inexpensive.
7. Favourite book of all time?
My favourite book of all time goes to 'you can heal your life - louise hay' i won't say to much about this book as I'm going to do a in-depth review on it. All i can say as it changed me for the better and helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. It truly is an amazing book!
8. Favourite Colour?
I don't exactly have a favourite colour but i love rose gold.
9. Do you have any pets?
A guinea pig & 3 dogs.
10. Favourite Perfume?
Pink sugar for sure! A blog post on my favourite perfumes is coming soon.
11. Favourite Celebration?
Definitely christmas takes the cake its such a joyful time of year.
12. What is your relationship status?
Im happily taken and theres no one else i would rather spend everyday with.
13. Where have you travelled?
Unfortunately so far i haven't really travelled anywhere outside of Australia a few years ago i went overseas to Thailand for 3 weeks and loved every minute of exploring that beautiful country. I have so many places on my bucket list that i want to see its just saving and waiting i guess! 
14. Do you speak any other language?
At school I did we learnt Chinese but that was over 5 years ago so i don't exactly have much knowledge on different languages.
15. How many siblings do you have?
I am an only child but i remember when i was younger i would always hassle my mum for a sibling! Theres quite a few perks of being an only child though.
16. What is your favourite shop?
This changes seasonally but at the moment I am loving Ally & Bardot.
17. Do you have kids?
No i don't and i don't plan on having any until at least late 20's i work with babies as it is and don't need one to come home to haha.
18. When was the last time you cried?
I haven't cried over something dramatic in while i have had a few tears here and there over silly stuff and just being stressed so i would have to say maybe a fortnight or so ago.
19. Will you ever bungee jump/sky dive?
Yes and yes, i can't wait to do both these things they are sitting at the top of my bucket list, i love taking risks and trying something new i don't have a fear of heights so i think ill be fine!
20. Favourite Film?
I love step brothers for a good comedy laugh, the last song comes in close to.
21. Favourite TV shows?
I love a good TV show, pretty little liars is my all time fave then probably modern family, geordie shore and dance moms!
22. PC or Mac?
I have only just upgraded to a Mac and i thought to myself why have i waited so long to do so! Don't get me wrong PC did the job but i just love the features of a macbook.
23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 6- A total Apple girl!
24. How tall are you?
Super short and i hate it im 5'1!
25. Summer or Winter
Currently in winter at the moment and I dislike it a lot so summer! Late night swims, camping and endless beach days what more could you want.

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