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By 22:04

This topic is so intriguing to me so I thought why not give you guys an insight if you don't already know what it is, or if you are as baffled and curious as I am.
In 2010, a paranormal enthusiast named Fiona Broome claimed she remembered the news coverage of Nelson Mandela’s tragic death in a South African prison during the 1980s.
When she shared this thought with a group of people, many of them said they remembered this event taking place, or learnt about it in school. Only that never happened. Mandela was alive at the time they apparently vividly recalled this. He died in December 2013, three years after Broome first voiced her theory.
"Mandela is one of the most commonly discussed celebrities who has been seen alive after having been reported dead."
Broome argues these “shared memories” that have no present evidence of ever occurring could be due to the existence of parallel universes that intertwine and collide. 

A parallel universe is a hypothetical self-contained reality co-existing with one's own. 
The multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one, but states that many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the multiverse theory are called parallel universes.
While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternative reality" are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternative reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of our own.
Definitely look further into this as there is sooo much evidence and information to get a better understanding.

Anyway on to the interesting part which will really get your brain thinking! As it did mine, some of these really shocked me. 

Starting off, probably most of you watched 'Looney Toons" as a kid right? or are well aware of it and can visualise the logo in your head?  it’s actually spelt “Looney Tunes”. And always has been. It never changed, there’s zero evidence to suggest it was spelt any other way whaaaat..

Did kit kat have a dash in the logo? Apparently it never has and never will..

Now this one shook me.. "Luke, I am your father.." We all know that iconic line. It’s actually, “No, I am your father,” and this is one thing that has absolutely never changed in any of the editions of the film that have been released since 1977. 
No way!

Can't forget this one.. 
Crocodile Dundee - 1986
I remember..

Well that's wrong because he says and always said.. "that's not a knife, that's a knife."

Many people recall the tip of Pikachu from Pokemon tail being black. But if you have another look at a picture of him, there’s no black mark on his tail... 

Curious George never had a tail?!

The all famous quote from Forrest Gump
People recall him saying that his mama would always say 
‘Life is like a box of chocolates.’ 
The truth be told, he actually said 
‘Life was like a box of chocolates’. Although this goes against what you probably very clearly remember, it didn’t happen this way. 

This one you will definitely have to agree with me.. 
The famous quote from the film Snow White that you’ve probably said yourself or at least heard others say, is of course 
‘Mirror, mirror on the wall,’’ 
But what had actually been said in the film was 
‘Magic mirror on the wall’. 
I have done so much research on this one but still can't fathom that i cannot find anything that has it saying "mirror mirror"..

Anyone remember exactly how people were in the car when President Kennedy was shot? Most people would answer four; But in actual fact, there were six people. This is one the biggest examples of the Mandela Effect.  The car was definitely only a 4-seater, but if you take a look now anywhere it’s a 6-seater...

What are your thoughts on the Mandela effect?? A lot of people, including myself, feel like our Mandela Effect experiences are a result of shifting into an alternate reality. 

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