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MY BIRTH STORY - 13.3.18

By 05:03

Wow where do I begin..
So much has happened since the last time I posted I started to lose motivation for my blog but have since decided to start it back up and why not kick it off with the biggest event that has happened and the best thing to ever happen to me which was having my beautiful daughter who is now 12 weeks old! Time is just going way to quickly but each and everyday I spend with my little family I just think to myself that I am so lucky and proud of us.

So lets go back three months ago when I was 39 weeks pregnant and pretty much doing anything I could to bring on labour and I mean anything haha. I tried all the old wives tales including eating spicy food, going for walks everyday which was extremely tiring and still being in summer the heat was absolutely horrible, I tried a massage chair having to get off halfway through because I thought surely this cant be good! Then last but not least I tried the exercise ball every night I would sit in our tiny lounge room and bounce up and down trying to bring on labour.. Daniel thought it was quite hilarious to watch.

By Monday I reached 40 weeks being bubs due date which was the 12.3.18, the whole time I was pregnant I thought I would go early and everyone seemed to thing so to. All day I was having contractions on and off so I definitely knew it was going to be soon. It hit 10pm that night and I was literally crippling over in pain. I remember googling all week "early labour signs' 'when will I know i'm in labour' and sure enough once it gets to that point where your crippling over on the floor in pain.. you just know.

Daniel thought it was definitely time to go to the hospital but I refused, I wanted to labour at home for a while and not get up to the hospital and be sent straight back home. Once it hit 12am we packed the rest of our hospital items and took the 10 minute drive there. I got to the hospital and was checked by the midwife sure enough I was 4cm dilated and ready to be taken to labour and delivery. At this point the contractions were getting really intense I tried to stand up off the bed to relieve some of the pain and get myself over to the birthing suite but my god the contractions were horrible!

Once finally getting to suite it was around 3am and I was begging for the epidural I felt like I couldn't handle the pain. I was disappointed in myself because from the start I said no epidural but when it came to it I just couldn't. I got into my gown and waited for the anaesthesiologist just getting off the bed at this point was the biggest mission. The contractions started getting stronger and more painful by this point I was starting to throw up between contractions. They finally gave me the IV fluids and some nausea medication to help with the throwing up.. it did nothing.

At 6am the midwife broke my waters to speed up the labour, STILL NO EPIDURAL..
Daniel was getting frustrated and kept asking when they were going to give it to me, I swear they delayed it on purpose so I couldn't have it. I think by about 7am they finally came in to give it to me after literally 4 hours. I sat up on the bed but prior to this my midwife said she wanted to check to see how dilated I was. The anaethesiologist came in and I told her that the midwife just wanted to check me first before I had it. WHAT DO YOU KNOW she checked me and yep 10cm dilated meaning it was to late! I hadn't even had gas to relieve some of the pain because I was being sick. I was so scared at this point I was holding onto Daniel's shirt saying "I can't do this, I don't want to do this". I was literally so scared to start pushing. It hit 8am and my body just all of a sudden began pushing as I was having contractions. I pushed for 10 minutes and she was out everything just went so quick from pushing to then having my beautiful daughter on my chest. Daniel was hysterical I have never ever seen him like that it was the happiest moment of our lives and what we had waited 9 long months for!!

Safiya (pronounced like sa-fire) Rose Glanville entered the world at 8:10am 13.3.18 weighing 7 pound and 46cm. She came out her eyes wide open looking up at me no crying nothing I even asked "is she breathing?" then she took a breath and let out a little cry. Being so overwhelmed I didn't cry I held her on my chest and felt her warmth it was the most amazing moment and like everyone says all the pain you've just endured is all worth it and you forget all about it. The afterbirth well now that's a different story and I don't want to go in depth with that because it is pretty gross hahah.

After passing all of her tests, meeting all of our family, having numerous photos taken and getting dressed into her going home outfit we were finally ready to leave the hospital. I was so adamant about not staying over night as I absolutely hate hospitals and since having a normal birth with no complications they were able to send us home at 5pm.

So that is my birth story and the best day of our lives, all pain aside! I am considering doing another post on the after birth recovery but it is quite intense haha. Thank you for reading this if you have made it to the end, I will be continuing to update my blog more regularly and posting a lot more!!

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