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A Little Update..

By 00:57

Hey guys, so I thought I would just sit down with my laptop and write about what I'm currently doing right now, just be real and open and give you an insight into my life. For the past hour or so my partner and I got out a drawing pad and took out our lead pencils versing each other in a drawing competition. Recently my boyfriend has come up with some really big and great ideas and for this to happen he needs to design and come up with a few different things so we brainstormed a range of ideas and started drawing them up, mind you I absolutely suck at drawing he doesn't though he is actually really good I was pretty impressed with what he came up with! Its amazing how therapeutic drawing actually can be wether your good at it or not, just get some pencils and some paper and see where your mind takes you..
I attempted to draw patterns and flowers typical I know then just started drawing a bunch of random stuff. I much prefer to colour in because at least then I can make it look half decent!
Anyway so just a little update my camera has not arrived yet after like 3 weeks due to the earthquake overseas and it affecting the Nikon factory, so I am currently still waiting I guess thats why I haven't really been blogging to much because i really want to take good quality photos for you guys! My boyfriend continues to inspire me everyday and told me not to give up with my writing but to keep going even if I may be out of ideas he said theres always something you can write about. Which there is it doesn't always need to be about things I have, or things I like but even just my thoughts! 
I also brought a new car which is really exciting and I've gave my blog a bit of a makeover! I feel it looks better when on a computer rather then on a mobile device.
Also here is a really great quote that i repeat a lot now as my boyfriend said "winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners!".

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