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A day in my life

By 23:48

These past few months I have been faced with so many changes and challenges, I mean thats life it happens to everyone I guess its just how we handle the situations that we are presented with that shape us into the people we are today.. The transition from school into the full time working world is one of the most dramatic life changes ever, who knew we had it so easy when we were in school, in saying that i finished year 12 in 2014 and have only been working full time for nearly 2 years. I'm assuming that marriage, buying a house and having kids are pretty dramatic to but for now this is the biggest..
What has caught my interest is how people spend their days, the whole 24 hours I mean yes half of it is probably sleeping but who knows i could be wrong!
Want to hear a day in my life? keep reading.. if not then can’t say i blame you.

5:45am - Alarm goes off
That sounds so early doesn’t it, definitely not the time of the morning i want to be waking up try 10am on weekends but right now this is pretty much everyday except Tuesday as i don’t work Tuesdays (i do work a 38 hour week though). Most of the time i roll over turn my alarm off and lay there checking social media for about 10 minutes before i get up and start my day.

6:00am - Time to get ready
I do love the mornings don’t get me wrong its the thoughts we first think when we wake up that can shape our whole day! If you wake up and think yes today will be a great day then i guarantee it most likely will be! Its just the mindset you start with..
I stumble out of bed and make my way to the shower, after about 5-10 minutes i hop out feeling extremely cold then get straight into my work uniform.

6:30am - Breakfast
By now its probably 6:30 i head into the kitchen, boil the kettle, make either a coffee or a caramel latte depending on how I’m feeling and put in two pieces of toast in the toaster. I sit down next to the heater and chat away to mum whilst i eat my breakfast. Once I’m finished i brush my teeth, do my hair and make my bed. Then pack my lunch and work stuff for the day which isn’t much just a few notebooks, cardigan and whatever else. 

7:00am - Time to leave
As soon as it hits 7:00am I’m out the door and into my car, bluetooth connected, music playing and ready to take on the 45 minute drive ahead of me, I love listening to mashups whilst I drive as I tend to get over listening to just one song. Its not a bad drive though it goes relatively quick considering i have been doing it for so long now. 

7:45am - Arrive at work
Most of the time I get to work at around 7:45 depending on traffic, I get a park right out the front and head in ready to start the day, as you know I work in the child care industry. 

8:00am-5:30pm - Work
For the next 9 and a half hours I work. I have my certificate III in early childhood education and will begin studying my diploma at the start of 2017. I work in the nursery room and absolutely love it, I can’t even begin to describe how amazing the staff and my boss are that I work with. All day I’m pretty much on my feet feeding the children, changing them, putting them to sleep and the best part getting to just be there and play with them all day! 

5:30pm End of shift
Before i know it its 5:30 and I’m on my way home, most of my day goes so quick its surprising when you think about how quick time actually goes, the dividing line between past, present and future is an illusion. So reality is ultimately timeless. By now I’m a little tired and take extra caution while driving as it is dark. I can’t wait until summer when it will be much lighter on my drive home.

6:15pm Home
I arrive home, chuck down my work bag and lounge around waiting for dinner, i chat to my parents about their day, sit by the heater for a little while and of course check my Blog, Facebook, Instagram the usual i try not to get to caught up in all of this though as its not very important i like focusing and conversating in person rather then over my phone.

7:00pm Dinner
I have dinner, nothing beats a home cooked meal does it, I swear mums always make the best meals maybe its because they have had so much experience doing so. Once dinner is finished I’m straight in the shower out of my work clothes into some trackies and a hoodie then out the door again and off to my partners.

Thats pretty much it, it all seems like a routine doesn’t it I mean I guess it is but its just how you look at it, each and everyday is different, the conversations, the way we feel, our thought pattern, what happens during the day its amazing isn’t it, I mean nothing to exciting to share here but theres a little insight on how I spend my weekdays! I tried to make it as engaging and interesting as possible so i hope you stuck around until the end.

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