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Staying positive

By 15:15

I don't really know where to begin with this post, staying positive.. a lot easier said then done.
We all have the days where we want to hide under our blankets and not face the world and just bury our problems but instead we get up and go on about our lives acting like there was never anything wrong in the first place carrying on our responsibilities we have like the adults we are. Theres nothing wrong with feeling down we can't be happy and positive all the time its just not realistic and if you can then hats off to you because i don't know how you do it! I hit a really low point 2 years ago and felt that i couldn't be happy and was in the completely wrong mindset it was only until i realised it was only me who can change the way i think, a big quote that i live by now is "control your mind or it will control you"
Lets just start with staying positive in negative situations.. Firstly surround yourself with positive people, why put in the effort with someone if they are going to be negative around you that will just bring you down with them so avoid this as much as possible and if you happen to be surrounded by so called negative people block it out you don't need them..
This is a big one for me, beating yourself up mentally, i tend to overthink situations to the point where its just absolutely absurd. I still sometimes do that which is when I try to switch my thoughts and focus on the power of positive thinking. Anytime a negative thought comes into your mind replace it with a positive one trust me it works! It eventually becomes more natural and your brain starts to automatically switch your negative thoughts into positive ones. Just know that the more you talk negatively to yourself the more negativity will become a part of you. 
Here are some of my top tips that i have used to stay positive.
1. Staying relaxed - Its not always easy because sometimes we end up in situations that are heated, but what i have learnt is to focus on my breathing taking a deep breath really does help, our thoughts manifest in our mind and body. We tense up in negative situations so take a deep breath relax and let it go. 
2. Stay present, no dwelling - Try not to let your mind wander back to the past, stay present in the moment as they say the past is the past and we can't change it so try not to think back to issues that may have arisen and what you could of said or done to change it instead reconnect with the present moment. 
3. Be with happy people - Surround yourself with happy, joyful people that can help take your mind off things.
4. Repeat positive affirmations - By repeating a certain positive affirmation to yourself everyday you are training your brain to believe them. Over time you will start to internalise them. Choose 3 relating to values and goals. 
5. Don't worry about what other people think - This is a big one! So many people worry about what other people think and what people may have to say, if you want to do something that makes you happy then do it, block out the thoughts, have no care in the world, just do it, life is short rather it be a  "whoops then a what if". 

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Happy positive thinking!

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